Any advice for beginner artists?

Hello, I just discovered this group!

I'm not exactly an "artist", I just do digital painting as a hobby / activity to relax from a busy week. However, even though I don't plan to make art as a career, I know that some concepts might help in other fields (color theory, composition etc.).
So yeah, do you know any resources in digital painting that might help?

Thank you, I appreciate your time :)

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    Hi, I've been an artist for the last 4 years (part-time) and officially turned semi-professional last year, in that I earn enough to live off if I wish, although I still have my day job as a nuclear scientist (honestly!). My best advice is to practice and keep everything you do. I've published a short article on Substack about how I got started by painting every day for 30 days. I still paint every day, either for commissions or for practice. My website has an article about it and images of what my early attempts were like at www.awberyart.com and my article on Substack is at https://royawbery.substack.com/ If you can see them do let me know what you think and best of luck.

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    just keep sharing! if you create a project here, you can update it directly and gather feedback!

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