Are you on TikTok?

I've just started experimenting with TikTok as a marketing channel. My plan is:

  • Build a following using business tips and building in public content
  • Experiment with video formats (funny, tips, tutorials, interviews etc)
  • Never post direct promotional content about my app
  • Reach out to others in the niche to see if they will feature my product

Here's my first attempt: https://www.tiktok.com/@nocodenoproblem/video/7089336658595679493

Who is doing a great job on TikTok that I can follow?

  1. 4

    I always forgot to check TikTok until I read something about it. Thanks for reminding.

    Here are the creators I find through indiehackers.

    1. 2

      This is great. Thanks, Rusted!

    2. 2

      Brilliant, thanks for the recommendations.

  2. 3

    I'm not on TikTok. I've considered it so many times. I'm at the point now, however, where I just don't want to spend more time on social media. That said, I enjoy some of the stuff I see on there (on my gf's account). There is a lot of helpful information out there for people interested in monetizing their audience.

    ... And I will add that you need a TON of people watching your videos. Don't want to dissuade you from your ambition here but just know that it's a long game to get to any sort of meaningful revenue.

    For context, this guy (700k+ Youtube Subs) makes about 2.5 cents per 1,000 views on the platform. And he has a huge following. https://www.engadget.com/tiktok-stars-creator-fund-payouts-222006327

    1. 4

      I feel like I could've written this post lol, I just can't get myself to download the app. I hear of a lot of the trends from my Wife and younger family members, and understand that I'm missing out on leveraging their discovery features.

      I know there are a lot of opportunities there for getting an audience and pushing them towards your other platforms for monetization, but I agree monetizing on TikTok itself is pretty impossible.

      1. 1

        Totally! Yeah I think hearing about it via family and friends will be enough for now lol

    2. 3

      My girlfriends TikTok drives me crazy with all the spastic audio cutting in and out lol.

      If you have the personality type and can stomach it to be super upbeat yelling at the camera, and being “engaging” it can absolutely murder in terms of conversions and sales organically more than any other social platform I’ve seen. I don’t have that personality so I don’t do that type of content

      Personally for me TikTok Ads are a game changer. This is simply due to the fact that for 90% of users they aren’t aware what is an ad/what is a real post since the disclaimer is so tiny, that if you build your ads like they’re organic content you can crush on TikTok. I also don’t have to show my face ha. Robot voice can do wonders

      Like instead of “XYZ SaaS is a cheaper way to get car insurance” you do “I’m Mary and last month I saved $100 on my car insurance without doing ANYTHING”

      TikTok is definitely far different than Snap, Insta, FB in terms of what sells well on there

      1. 1

        Thanks for the great insight. I haven't tried ads yet, I'm just trying out some content of my own. I don't have the engaging face and yelling at the camera thing down yet but I'm giving it a go. Ads sound super interesting though! Are you using them?

        1. 1

          I am using them! Reach out if you have questions

          1. 1

            Hi Brad! How long have you been using TT ads? Do you have a particular strategy, or good tips for getting started?

            1. 1

              Get UGC, user-generated organic feeling content from your users. Can buy it from site like Billo.app (not affiliated) and give them a script that's fun engaging and have them yell at the camera basically. Split test aggressively. Will only be succesful if you have an effective funnel and remarketing strategy. I like to use Typeform for lead capture and dangle a reward/loss leader for filing out the form.

              Email me if you want

  3. 1

    Not really. Just trying to promote my business via it, but I can’t see any results. Guess I’m doing something wrong

  4. 1

    Twitter is also a great place to find UGC creators :)

  5. 1

    tiktok marketing is interesting

    1. 1

      Interesting in a good way or a bad way?

  6. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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