We are building a search engine for developers. Let me know if it makes you more productive!

Hi folks!

I'm one of the co-founders of Devbook. Devbook is a search engine for developers.

It's a desktop app that you can download for macOS or Linux. We are starting with a very simple first version. We let you search StackOverflow and public code on GitHub.

Devbook works similarly to Spotlight on macOS. You hit a shortcut, a window appears and you can start typing. We built the first version with developers' productivity and speed in mind. You can control the whole app without touching the mouse. Our goal with the first version was to minimize context switching you as a developer need to do when looking for basic information on the internet.

Devbook is still pretty young but we already have developers using it daily. Either beginners, solo devs, students, or full teams in companies like Amazon.

Go ahead and give it a try and let me know what you think of it! I think it'll make you more productive when working on your projects.

Thanks and feel free to ask any question.

  1. 1

    Looks really polished, could see this being a really useful tool for developers.

    An idea for the future could be to include official documentation in the search for tools, languages.

    1. 2

      Working on it already! Support for search in docs is coming in the next update. Feel free to DM me on our community Discord if you'd like to test the early access build.

      1. 1

        Unfortunately my main development machine is using Windows 10

        1. 1

          We are planning support for Windows in Q1.

          1. 2

            Good news, signed up on the discord, I'll definitely help to test on windows when it's ready

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