How much do founders/business owners pay on average each month to launch, run, and maintain WordPress sites?

Any founders or business owners who run your business on WordPress:

  1. In terms of the cost of hosting, themes, plugins, payment gateway fees, and else, how much do you pay each month or each year?

  2. How many subscribers/users do you have/manage according to such spending?

  3. What type of your WordPress site: landing page, one-page company profile, online store, community, or else?


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    Hi Amme,
    You could run it for around $40-50/mo on Uffizzi cloud and that would include a sql database. Launch the Wordpress container from Dockerhub and it’s an easy connect to a MySQL or Postgres Uffizzi database. The biggest value is you wouldn’t have to think about security or scaling - that’s all handled and automated. Takes well under an hour to set up.

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      I appreciate your input. Thanks, @easy_like_uffizzi.

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