Anyone see anything new in the Prop Tech space?

Hi group. I'm interested to see what everyone is working (or starting) on in the Real Estate & Prop Tech group?

As I was relaxing (aka, waiting for code to compile) I was catching up on a few articles about whats trending. What are your thoughts?
Here's mine ...

  • Big Data - How can I get access to U.S. prop data as cheaply as possible like the ZIllows
  • AI - How can I build customized data portfolios with the cool numbers and stats for my subscribers (especially for REI's). How can I help drive their business decisions with [my] uniquely branded "insights"?
    Virtual and augmented reality - Maybe I'm slow but I am not getting it?
    Internet of Things - I'm thinking for another Prop Management CRM (yup, another one) that keeps building owners up to date. But I'm sure it can go deeper that that.
  • 5G - (See Virtual and augmented reality) but for more industrial applications
  • Drones - How could I get the most up to date survey data to drive my construction/investment decisions?
posted to
Real Estate and Proptech
on September 6, 2020
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    I think VR has the most potential with being able to tour a property remotely. Matterport seems to be the leading the way. I recently saw a 3D walk through on Red-fin. I was surprised that it supported Google cardboard (a cheap version of VR that works with your phone, made out of cardboard..). I didn't have the cardboard so I didn't get the full experience, but I tried it out anyway. It had dots all over the screen on places you could navigate by holding a cursor over a dot for 3 seconds. I imagine, in the future, you could go tour the house as if you where there in person and wouldn't be limited to dots. It'll be awesome too when they add a feature to tour with your friends or significant other.

    Somewhat related, my co-founders and I are exploring productized leases (simplified overview of the lease contracts) for Commercial Real Estate . Lease signing is pretty tedious and manual. We're working towards making negotiations and leasing signing done digitally.

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      The times are definitely changing.

      Real estate has always been slow to adopt (at least when it comes to the bleeding edge) but there are so many users ready to press the fast forward button.

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    We build TopInvestor App giving an access to 80mil U.S. Residential properties via purchasing lists.

    Please look at it:


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      This looks really good! No android app yet?

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        It is in the plan. 1st priority - getting more customers and finding partners.

        1. 1

          What kind of partnerships/support are you seeking? Please reach out. I'd like to know more! [email protected]

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