Where are the good static site themes

One of the impressive things about WordPress is the ecosystem of high-quality templates like Elemetor, Divi, and Oxygen that have democratized web site building to non-developers. Given the issues of security and performance, we would like to avoid WordPress.

I am unable to find a similar vibrancy of themes for static sites. Forestry.io showcases, some beautiful websites as examples of what can be done. However, I cannot find themes that can be picked up and built like the showcased examples, without hand-coding or going through an agency to create similar high-quality static sites. For example, JAMstack themes has some templates, but most of them lack quality and finesse.

Any help on where one can find good quality static site templates?

  1. 2

    For Hugo specifically, there’s a decent directory: https://themes.gohugo.io/

    I recently did my blog using using Axiom, a Hugo theme: https://themes.gohugo.io/axiom/

  2. 1

    Here is a bunch of free static website themes


  3. 1

    Best Jamstack Themes, Templates and Resources Directory

  4. 1

    I have some HTML/CSS templates on buildfaster.co 👈

  5. 1

    When you say static site themes, are you thinking of plain html and css? I've considered this problem but my stack is Gatsby so if I ever built some they would be essentially React apps.

    Incidentally Gatsby has a good variety of starter themes in case you're interested: https://www.gatsbyjs.com/starters/

  6. 1

    ThemeForest also has a section on static templates, for eg:

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