Kickstart your blog without any budget

I have forked Blogen and made my version available to the public: https://github.com/rbatista191/blogen

It generates a complete blog post for a given keyword (gotta do that keyword research first): title, introduction, key takeaways, internal linking, service/product promotion, table of contents, FAQ, conclusion.

Basic yet effective to start ranking. The code is not pretty but does the job.

Credits go to github.com/gaurav18115 for the initial version.

Disclaimer 1: don’t expect high quality coming out of this tool. It should not be a replacement for much better tools like SEObotai or JournalistAI.

Disclaimer 2: you might be against AI-generated content, but Google is OK with it - as long it is useful to the reader.

Feel free to fork it and improve it.

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