What I learned in 3 months on Indie Hackers?

Hi IH friends, I hope you are doing well.

You won't believe, but I didn't know "indie hackers" word before. As far as I remember, I saw this word first time on Twitter. It was tweet by Arvid Kahl.(many people know Arvid.... because of build in public & supporting nature)

So, I learned and read amazing things here on IH. Joining IH was really hard for me. Because, at that time IH was only invite-only platform. I approached lot of people to get code. But, only one people had invite code. His name is Fed (Founder of Gummy Search & Hive Index). He sent me code on Twitter. Thanks a lot Fed. :)

I mostly engage with content. Recently, I also started posting on IH. Great to see, my posts featured on Home page.

Today, I knew that you don't need code for joining IH. I don't have any hard opinion on it. Hope so people don't spam.

That's all from my side.

Ps. I created Twitter List for indie hackers. This list have around >200 members. If you are into building(built) things in public, let me know. I will add you into List. :)


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    What have you learned about posting here over the last 3 months? I'm not sure I understand.

    It's my opinion that if someone is active here, they will meet great people, and learn a lot from others about how to be an entrepreneur. There is a lot of information here that can help someone when they are trying to learn how to create a business.

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      Thanks for adding your point. :)

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    Feel free to add me, @wsccrawler as will be building more now the new year is over.

  3. 2

    Great to hear you are getting value from IH.
    Can you please share your twitter list here? And if I am not on it, can you please add me (@jansroka) ? :) Thanks!

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