Should I productize this project, or start a new one?


Over the past week, I have built my first web tool. An AI-powered note-taking tool.

Now you can try it out at https://quicknotes-nu.vercel.app

How is it different from any other ai summarizer?

  • It can extract text from PowerPoint presentations or Word documents
  • It can handle larger texts ( currently limited to 14k char input )
  • It writes notes in an easy-to-read format

The problem:
Running this tool for free forever wouldn't be worth it for me.
But if I want to productize it would take at least another week for me, and I am not sure if I could sell it.

That's where I'd like to hear your opinion. Do you think this tool is worth investing another week of effort to keep it up and running? Or should I consider it a learning project and move on to my next idea?

Your feedback and thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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