Which newsletters, digests or other curated resources would you recommend for solo entrepreneurs?

As you know, if you're building an online business on your own, there's a lot to research, figure out and actually do, in order to get your products or services out there and generating income. And when time and resources are tight (which they inevitably are), you really want to be able to cut through the crap and get to the good stuff (best way to do A, B or C) ASAP. Easier said than done without getting lost downtime-sucking rabbit holes though.

So, if a fellow solo-entrepreneur asked you about tips, newsletters worth subscribing to or other curated resources that you've found helpful, useful and a bit of a go-to in this regard, what would you recommend?


posted to
Solo Entrepreneurship
on March 23, 2023
  1. 1

    Some self-plugging here Nick but we launched a podcast recently called "Ask a Creator Economist." We answer questions from content creators, solopreneuers, etc. live on the podcast. Might be an episode that applies to you if you're down to check it out.

  2. 1

    Oh yes, I'm familiar with him. I'll check it again. Thanks.

  3. 1

    Hello Nick

    One Newsletter that I have found extremely helpful is The Saturday Solopreneur by Justin Welsh.

    I have been following him for close to a year now and he has one of the most complete content libraries when it comes to being a Solopreneur.

    He is also active on LinkedIN and Twitter.

    1. 1

      This dude is a weapon, he must put 100 tweets a day! Signing up.

      1. 1

        Justin is a hardcore practitioner

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