ADVICE NEEDED: How to Work with Wordpress Security Consultants

10 years ago, as a caretaker for an apartment complex I had the chance to meet a building security contractor.

It was a new building, so the landlord had not fully installed a proper security system. Over the period of 2 weeks, 2 incidences occurred: a tv was stolen from the gym, and the parking garage door had been compromised.

As part of my duties, I had to let contractors in and out of the building. So I had a chance to meet with the security contractor.

I escorted him to several spots in the building where he would check cameras and wiring during this time.

We got to chatting, and after asking him a few questions, I had the feeling he may be behind some of the security breeches.

It was a gut feeling, but it made sense because he kept repeating that the landlord was cheap and decided to go for the basic security system only. A building of that size and type needed the full package.

It made me wonder whether this was a standard practise in the field.

Surely online this happens with website security consultants as well.

As a webmaster, has anyone had any experience working with wordpress security consultants?

I have 3 sites that might need a security audit, all with different plugins.

Any advice on how I can proceed would be helpful.

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