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What do you struggle with most?

Hi everyone,

I currently started a weekly newsletter that helps you learn a programming language (https://codebrew.substack.com). For 4 months, we cover a programming language and sent out an email building off the previous newsletter. Our goal is to not present our readers with information overload and make programming a more enjoyable experience.

I'm always curious, what are the biggest problems/frustrations when you start out learning to code? Drop them below!

I know mine personally was information overload!

posted to
Learning to Code
on October 16, 2020
  1. 4

    I second information overload. When first starting out there are so many resources and opinions it can be overwhelming.

    Having someone to ask questions or details about how to do a specific thing or why something isn't working was also very important in my learning process. Because Stackoverflow isn't great for beginners.

    This excerpt from Jeff Atwood's (@codinghorror) blog drives this home:

    The choice of audience wasn't meant to be an exclusionary decision in any way, but Stack Overflow was definitely designed as a fairly strict system of peer review, which is great (IMNSHO, obviously) for already practicing professionals, but pretty much everything you would not want as a student or beginner. This is why I cringe so hard I practically turn myself inside out when people on Twitter mention that they have pointed their students at Stack Overflow. What you'd want for a beginner or a student in the field of programming is almost the exact opposite of what Stack Overflow does at every turn:

    • one on one mentoring
    • real time collaborative screen sharing
    • live chat
    • theory and background courses
    • starter tasks and exercises
    • playgrounds to experiment in
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