I've bootstrapped a Clubhouse events directory

Hi, folks!
I felt the need for a directory of Clubhouse events where you can have some categories and the event spoken language. After 20 hours of playing (front-end isn't my love), this tool was born: https://allupcoming.events
As always, I'm open for feedback, arrows, etc.
Thank you!

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    Hey Silviu,

    I feel with you, when I built clublink.to struggled with frontend too. Happens to the best of us!


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      Sincerely, when I see the clubhouse UI I feel better about this 🤩
      Saw your product, wish you luck with it

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        I wish you good luck with your product too. Any plans to expand?

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          Depends if will get some traction. What about yours?

          1. 2

            Pushing marketing and seeing what people ask for - then decide step by step really.

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              Good luck. Personally, I'm not involving that much because it's not very safe to build a business on something that have their half of business (Android app) unreleased and the other half it's in private beta.
              Now it's a game of time, let's see what happens and be agile. ✌🏻️

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