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Liquid Staking

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) allows anyone to engage with smart contracts and put their assets to use. Not only is it a way to earn passive income, it's also a way to earn a greater return on your capital than you would typically earn in Traditional Finance (TradFi). There are many ways to engage with DeFi. Today, we will specifically explore liquidity staking with MATIC and other opportunities.

Liquidity Staking
Liquidity staking is a relatively new concept in the world of DeFi. It adds another layer of DeFi on top of traditional staking methods. Historically, when a person deposited crypto into a staking contract, they would only earn a rate of return on their deposit but not be able to withdraw your earnings. In those cases, one has no access to their deposited funds. However, with liquidity staking, that is no longer the case; unlike regular staking, liquidity staking allows you to leverage your deposits and increase the yield on your assets.

Introducing Stader
Stader is built for DeFi, it is a non-custodial platform that uses smart contracts in a trustless, decentralized manner. There are many networks supported on the Stader platform, you can stake MATIC, BNB, FTM, HBAR, and FTM. Soon, you will also be able to stake ETH, SOL, and AVAX.

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    Historically, when a person deposited crypto into a staking contract, they would only earn a rate of return on their deposit but not be able to withdraw your earnings... However, with liquidity staking, that is no longer the case;

    Sounds like BS.

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