Create your happiness

Happiness isn't something that will magically happen to you. It's something that you need to work to achieve. This might sound weird at first but we're all in charge of our own mental states. Many of us choose to become indie hackers because we believe it will bring us true happiness but we're the only people that can really do that.

It's important to step back from the grind and acknowledge that at the end of the day, no amount of money, or huge accomplishment or big win will make us happy - that's something that we need to do for ourselves.

This group is a positive, encouraging place for us to all take a break from indie hacking and share something happy. It could be a small personal accomplishment, something amazing that we saw or even a business win. Maybe you got your first payment ever! Or saw an amazing act of kindness. Or were finally able to quit your horrible job and now feel free.

I can't wait to hear what everyone has to say and I hope that by sharing our happiness we will, in turn, be able to make others happy as well.

posted to
on July 9, 2020
  1. 1

    Nice, I'm definitely one to focus in on the positive. I'll be hanging out here!

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