April 2022 Income Report $2,733.92 (+65.84)

What was different in April?

I wrote one blog post for Vim for VSCode at the end of the month. Other than that, my focus has been on recording a podcast season for the TypeScript course. We have a little over 1,000 subscribers (free email course). We hope the podcast will drive more subs.

In the meantime, I've started working on workshops for the TS course. These will be given in a couple months and eventually we'll turn the material into some type of paid course.

On the job board/talent collective side, Pallet (they host my job stuff) has been getting tons of companies to sign up for the talent collective. It's like $200/month and they get access to candidates in my network. Whatever they're doing for me is working!

Side Income Breakdown

  • $421.78 from @egghead-io royalties
  • $525.00 from Vim for VSCode course sales (before fees) on Convert Kit Commerce
  • $14.14 from Vim for VSCode course sales (before fees) on Flurly
  • $1,773.00 job board

Total: $2,733.92

Total (year-to-date): $5,621.51

See previous months:

  1. 2

    yeah my loss from stocks in april is nuts ...lol

  2. 2

    (Came here because I saw your thread on twitter) - really appreciate your transparency and consistency here, Joe. It's really interesting to hear what is and isn't working... I wish I could say that my writing was generating much in the way of income at the moment, but maybe that's a goal I should set!

    1. 2

      Thanks, Mike! To be honest, doing this each month holds me accountable and also helps when it comes time for taxes 😂. That sounds like an awesome goal! What are you thinking of doing? Monetizing your newsletter, or releasing a course/book?

      1. 1

        So - I guess I'm not sure! I haven't been publishing newsletters regularly enough to really monetize. I'd love to figure something out with affiliate links for articles on the site... and eventually I may get to putting together a course.

        I am also nearrrrly done with Surviving Other People's APIs, a book I've been co-authoring with Phil Sturgeon for the past couple years. I'd love to get that published, and should spend some time ramping up the marketing machine around it!

        1. 1

          Oh I've heard people have success with affiliate links! That seems like a nice avenue.

          I really dig the cover! Will it be a comic-style book? Hoping you can publish that soon!

  3. 1

    Thanks for the transparency, really helpful for those of us just getting started. Could you elaborate on the job board income and talent collective you talk about? Not entirely sure what that is and what type of income stream it is.


    1. 2

      Sure! Pallet runs/hosts my job board. Companies pay to post jobs or they can pay a subscription to get access to candidates (collective).

  4. 1

    Well done! This is awesome to see.

    How has the podcast gone? Any advice on that? Thought about starting one for my side project but it's a lot of work to produce a quality pod that actually attracts ears.


    1. 1

      This is the first season. We have 2-3 episodes left then we'll publish in June. Yeah, I'm lucky in that I'm working with a team so someone writes up notes on the guest to help me prep then someone else cuts and edits the episode.

      1. 2

        That'd be great to work with a team on it. Best of luck with this moving forward!

  5. 1

    Wow, your income streams seem to be steadily increasing, congratulations!

    1. 1

      I imagine it'll dip at some point but happy it's on the rise! Thanks!

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