Will you help me get some user feedback?

I just posted on Reddit's podcasting sub, and it would be amazing if y'all would help me out with an upvote (or even some feedback if you're a podcaster who makes podcast video clips!)


I'm also very open to hearing indiehacker-perspective feedback in the comments right here. :)

  1. 2

    @marcusstenbeck Are you looking for feedback on the idea itself or the website of landing page?

    1. 1

      Open to any kind of feedback—in the spirit of IH the most fitting feedback here is what do y'all think I should do going forward. Ideas for marketing are very welcome!

      1. 2

        Alright sounds good!

        Here are some of my thoughts -

        1. The idea seems very very nice! I can actually see people use it for their podcasts. I listen to tons of podcast and the moment I saw your trial clip, I realized I hadn't seen something like that before.

        2. I guess a great way to market this is to approach content creators like youtubers/podcasters who have their own channels. Showcase them and maybe even let first 100-150 people use it for totally free. That might fetch you some great traction.

        3. The idea of watermarking was great!

        4. You can target people using targeted hashtags on twitter. See if that gets you any traction.

        5. Clubhouse is booming right now. I don't know how that might help you with this app but if there is any way, do it. You can start interacting in rooms over there and start reaching hundreds of people in every call.

        Hope this helps!

        1. 1

          Thanks for the suggestions! Especially number 4 and 5 are things I'd never have thought about. Do you know any particular hashtags?

          1. 2

            For twitter, I know that #marketingtwitter is excellent starting point! It's a big community and you might get great help from there!

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