Are you an affiliate marketer that gets sales from a blog or website?

I'm starting to think affiliate marketers are like unicorns!

Okay, back story - I'm helping out this great startup witview.io -- they're looking to do some idea validation for a branch out product that helps affiliates.

So I'm trying to find people to chat to. But I can only find giants who're making 6-7 figures and aren't interested or spammers XD

Which brings me to the unicorn search lol.

Are you an affiliate marketer? Do you know where actual affiliate marketers hang out online? Can you refer me to a friend? I'd really appreciate any help.

We're offering a small Amazon gift card to say thanks for a quick 30-minute interview. There are three spots available :)

Thanks for your help Indie Hackers!

posted to
Affiliate Marketing
on January 14, 2022
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