The Command Line Comeback

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    Comeback? I think it never went away.

    Every developer use the command line from the dawn of software development, because some CLIs don't have graphical interfaces, because it's easy to automate, and because servers don't have graphical interfaces either.

    Many focus on the trend, but the command line is always used, consistently, for decades. That's why I focus on it, that's why I blog (partly) about it, and that's why I write a book (more or less) about it. That's why my whole workflow, as a developer, is centered around it.

    Software development is a field where there are many trends: Java yesterday, JavaScript today, something else tomorrow. I don't even speak about frameworks and other piece of technology. But I think there is great value to focus on what doesn't change, to create content and value which doesn't go out of trend.

  2. 1

    what about bots :D

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