A bad sign for IHers? American SMBs not interested in going online

Just stumbled upon this interesting article. It's a study that claims that "the number of American SMBs not interested in digitalization has more than doubled, from 25% in 2022 to 51% in 2023.".

A lot of SaaS are B2B and rely on SMBs. How do you think this trend will affect IHers?

posted to
on July 18, 2023
  1. 3

    I have worked all my life in business consulting and i am not a "techie" per se, and in my experience businesses all over do not care for automation, digitation or anything else but they do care about profitability. So unless the narrative is simplified and targeted to $$ savings they will not even pay attention

  2. 2

    This is really surprising to me, since it seems obvious to me that digitalization can help businesses save money and increase revenue. But maybe people have digitalization fatigue — there are so many ways to digitalize, and to do them all would be to go broke.

    My $.02 is that indie hackers will need to get better at proving that their product helps the bottom line of the business. How do you save money? How do you increase revenue? Provide case studies, testimonials, hard data, etc. etc. Companies that do this should be just fine.

    Also, sales. Sucks to have to do sales, but if you're trying to sign SMBs with digitalization-fatigue, it might be necessary.

  3. 1

    Makes sense really, in times of economic uncertainty, everything gets cut back. We do it intuitively as consumers, so makes sense that businesses do it too.

    We're gonna see a lot of keywords like "Save time and/or money" being used over the next few months!

  4. 1

    However, many claim that economic uncertainty, the ongoing energy crisis, and other geopolitical threats are all cause for concern, to the degree that they have reduced or postponed digitalization expenses.

    So basically digitalization is a "nice to have".

  5. 1

    This stood out: “The gains they realize from digitalization, including improved visibility, growth, new business models and greater resilience to crises, far outweigh the initial outlay.”

    First thing I thought of is: AI. Wix released an AI website creation tool yesterday, which could mitigate some of this.

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