A collaborative list of website analytics that don't use cookie and focus on privacy

submitted this link to
on January 1, 2021
  1. 3

    Been using Plausible Analytics and I'm pretty happy about it. The price is just right, and you don't give away 14 bucks from the start for low traffic websites.

    1. 1

      thank you for sharing and for your support Dimitrios!

      1. 1

        Mark - are you able to track new vs return visits without cookies?

        1. 2

          Unfortunately not as GDPR doesn't allow that type of tracking without getting clear consent from people first. In order to be GDPR compliant out of the box so our users don't need to ask their visitors for GDPR consent, it is not possible to track people with any type of persistent identifiers such as cookies, user IDs etc.

          1. 1

            That totally makes sense - it definitely shifts the dynamic of understanding the type of users coming to your site. But, seems like it can be overcome with other site engagement metrics.

            1. 1

              yeah, for sure. in general, it is a good compromise when you want to be GDPR compliant and privacy friendly.

              in our experience, on sites that actually ask visitors to give consent to be tracked (with a GDPR compliant banner that gives an easy way to opt out), somewhere between 30 and 90+% say no depending on their loyalty to the site, referral source etc.

              so compromising a bit on being able to track returning visitors vs not having much data at all from the majority of your visitors is a very good deal.

              1. 1

                Nice - you got me for a trial. Tag setup was super easy.

                1. 1

                  good to hear! enjoy Plausible!

  2. 3

    @csallen could you use this breakage (which I assume is related to GA 4):
    alt text
    as an opportunity to build connection with these better services @smknstd has listed?

  3. 2

    I was looking for something comprehensive like this, so thank you for sharing! Have you had any personal experience with Matomo? Seems to be one of the only tools where you can dive into acquisition funnels - would love to know how this compares to GA.

  4. 2

    Great site @smknstd! It's nice to have a neutral and fair comparison so thanks for taking the time to put this together!

    I was curious how did you get the script size?

    And an idea: perhaps the default view sorting could be based on one of the more important factors other than the name itself.

    Thanks again!

    1. 1

      I agree that default sorting could be better. Do you have any suggestion ?

      For script size, I just downloaded the js files when available.

      1. 1

        I would say any of the other factors (size, price, year) is more interesting to sort with than the name itself so pick one you feel best about.

  5. 2

    Is there anybody using one of these products? I have used Google Analytics for a long time and because of my habit, it seems too hard to make a switch.

  6. 2

    I had no idea there were that many available. Fantastic, eh!

  7. 2

    how'd you build your website? And what privacy tracker are you using on it lol?

    1. 1

      I see it's standard HTML etc. but did you use framework?

      Also, you should update website link on GH (implies it's published with GH Pages free custom domain. I'd suggest getting a shorter domain though.)

      I'll link to your site in my upcoming blog post on switching from GA for blog.w4rner.com .

      1. 1

        Thanx for sharing !

        Yes, it's really basic. I used vue2 and tailwind both hosted on cdn, and it's deployed with netlify. I have no analytics.

  8. 2

    great list, thank you for sharing this dude

  9. 2

    Thanks, I sent this to my colleague who is building privacy focused analytics

  10. 2

    Great list!

    I've put a link to it on the right hand side of the Privacy group.

    cc @richardchu are you aware of any other links that can in on the resources section?

    1. 2

      This is great!

      I also like https://www.privacytools.io. I just added it into the Privacy resources section!

  11. 1

    I wish there was a privacy focused tool that could track user journey, funnels, demography based segmentation and understand every single user segment's needs and preferences that I can do in Mixpanel or Google Analytics.

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