A differently-abled guy lost his job during COVID :(

Hello IH,

I am trying to help my brother-in-law who is a differently-abled and has lost his job during this COVID. A bit of background, he has 53% of disability, he has his right side paralyzed and the body is wired to the left side of the brain. So he has both physical and mental disability.

For the past few months, he has been helping a local shopkeeper in Pune, India but due to COVID, that shop is closed and does not look like it will be opening soon. There are few other shops as well in the area but not many come forward to help.

Does anyone in the community know about any kind of basic online job, platforms, NGOs who help these kinds of kids to get a job that can keep them busy? I am looking for something through he feels engaged. He has basic knowledge of computers, primary level mathematics. He speaks Hindi and English and can read/write English.

I would greatly appreciate any help with it.


  1. 3

    You might look into Amazon's Mechanical Turk. It allows businesses to hire remote workers to do tasks virtually.

    1. 1

      Thanks, I will definitely look into that.

  2. 1

    Unfortunately, I don't know have the ability to help, but I will give you an upvote in hopes that someone who can, will see it.

  3. 1

    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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