A labour intensive outbound idea that works

Before I get into it, full disclaimer that my company whom.so is building a product that does exactly what I'm laying out. But I'm not selling it. Because it's not built yet...

For this strategy, I didn't use my own tool so the idea is completely replicable without buying into my product. Although I wouldn't mind if you signed up for the beta!

I've been trying to land some bigger customers and my generic outbound had been falling rather flat. I tried a number of variations but I just couldn't seem to get a reply.

So instead of just buckshot messaging people that vaguely fit my ICP, I decided to practice what I was preaching.

For each individual I reached out to, I created a public Notion page that was called [Company Name] & Whomso. I included their logos in the cover and then detailed three reasons why I think we'd be a good fit together

Now I could probably have used AI to expedite some of the copy but I didn't want to risk losing the authenticity at this stage. Perhaps if I can get a GPT working then I'll share it next.

This is by no means a scalable approach and it's taken me a lot of time to create each one. But it's a strategy that works - I've got replies from over half the message I sent out.

If you're just starting out and have no customers, it's really worth putting in that extra bit of effort to explain why you're reaching out to the prospect in particular.

on April 23, 2024
  1. 1

    I believe there are tools that will create hyper-personalized landing pages based on the prospect data.

    You might wanna give that a shot if you plan to scale this strategy.

    1. 1

      There are, yes. However they're typically aimed at bigger sales orgs and have a price tag to match. This is by no means scalable - but it is cost effective!

      1. 1

        Makes sense!

        Btw, I'd redo the landing page copy.

        1. 1

          Anything specific you're not clear on?

  2. 1

    Great strategy. Beats the same old same old outbound outreach and offers a value first approach.

    1. 1

      Thanks - let me know if you're interested in a demo of our product when it's out!

  3. 1

    Instant upvote! Saw this on reddit too..

    But, what are your ideas to expand this and get users quickly?

    1. 1

      Thanks :-) To be frank, we're not in a huge rush to get users.

      Our plan is to actually use our own product to sell to customers and then figure out what we'd personally use to improve it - the more we use it, the more feedback we get, the more customers we get, the more we improve. It's a self sustaining cycle!

      1. 1

        Makes sense! How do you figure out which feedback to listen to?

  4. 1

    While AI could potentially speed up the process, I agree with your decision to prioritize authenticity at this stage. Building genuine connections can often yield more meaningful engagements.

    1. 1

      I'm not against it but I also feel like it needs some improvements before I can trust it to work.

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