a little note on launching on Product Hunt in 2024

If you are launching on Product Hunt for upvotes and traffic in 2024, you are doing it wrong.

Let me explain.

I have recently launched this product on Product Hunt:


It got 91 upvotes, 7th product of the day, and a few visitors.

I have spent days creating promotional materials for this launch. Yet, I don't regret it. Because I have set my expectations right beforehand. People aren't using Product Hunt to discover cool products anymore. It's just other makers like you looking to launch their products soon on the platform. They aren't interested in your products. Plus some random spammers commenting random bullshit to game the PH algo.

So, launching on Product Hunt is a huge waste of time?


The upside of PH is that it is still used by newsletter and tech writers. It's a huge opportunity for makers like us. If we manage to bring our product neatly to the platform, they are willing to write about us to the relevant audience.

I got featured in a big newsletter (158k followers on Twitter alone) right after my PH launch. It brought me 3X more traffic than what PH gave me. That's the kind of exposure I am talking about. And I still expect many other newsletters will mention my product in the coming days. And I have seen some makers getting featured in mainstream media after their PH launch.

Another unhinged benefit of launching on PH is a good quality backlink. It will boost your website authority. Therefore it is good for your SEO.

So, this is my little advice for you: Don't refrain from launching on PH. Instead, just alter your expectations and plan a neat launch - prepare good images, videos, demos, and write a thoughtful first comment.

Good luck. Thanks.

  1. 1

    Nithur, did you specifically make some changes to the product for the PH launch? since you have analysed the audience on PH care to shed some light on it.

    Would it make sense for someone building a product for local businesses to launch on PH

    1. 1

      To answer your first question - no.

      I don't know much about whether it's worthwhile to launch local businesses on PH. But one thing is sure, if you get featured, you can get a boost in your DR.

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