A new "native" commenting system for Ghost blogs

Hi all 👋🏽

I’m Dan. I’m a software engineer who loves writing. 🙂

I wanted “native” commenting on my Ghost blog and decided to build my own.

By “native” I mean that it uses Ghost’s membership feature to allow users to comment, rather than requiring them to log in through an additional service like Google, Disqus, etc.

I have a working, early version of the product – which is called Evergreen – that I’ve just launched in a closed alpha.

I’m looking for early adopters who can provide feedback as I continue to add functionality. As an early user, your input will help shape the product and guide its development.

If that sounds interesting, I’d love to onboard you into the alpha to give you access and get your feedback. Please fill out this form, and I’ll reach out.

Let me know if you have any questions, and we can discuss below!


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on May 22, 2021
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