A place to keep track of people I want to work with again

I'm moving on to a new company in a few weeks. There 10-20 people I would want to work with again from my current company. I'm struggling to find a good way to keep track of these people. I could very well find myself in a position in a few years where I would want to hire people that have worked with me before.

I've added them on linkedin, but that is fairly useless. What I want is a list of "These are the people I want to work with again" that I can add to and manage with contact info.

Anyone know any good solutions for this?

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    No idea! But since my bet is it doesn't exist yet, I'd highly recommend Google Docs/Sheets, or Notion :)

    It's kinda fun using a service you know is going to be around for a long time. I sometimes see random stuff I wrote about years ago. And the alternative is some custom app that shuts down before it's useful, or I forget about and never login to again!

    1. 2

      Yeah, that is a good point about using a custom app. A good ole fashioned spreadsheet is probably my best bet.

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