A weird productivity hack, that worked

Hey Indie Hackers 🙌

2 weeks ago, I started streaming my screen on Youtube with one goal in mind: Building a startup live in 7 days. 🎥

stupid french guy building a startup live

It was stressful at first. I thought no one would tune in and the stream would be boring... 😔

But after a week (or 60 hours of streaming), the app was available on iOS, Android, and the web

UPDATE: It got #1 badge from Product Hunt 🎉

Also, totally unexpected, viewers debugged my code and redesigned the app 🤯

Even if only 1 person is barely watching, you can't not show up or binge Netflix.

Commit to a goal in public + Show ongoing progress = Productivity

What is your weird productivity tip?

posted to Icon for group Productivity
on March 13, 2023
  1. 4

    Super interesting. Kudos!

    If you combined this hack with working from exotic locations, I think you could get a loooot of attention. If that's what you want, not just accountability ;)))

    "I'm building a startup on the top of a mountain in a one week"
    "I'm building a startup while floating down a mighty river from start to end"
    "I'm building a startup while living on a platform 20m from the ground for one week"
    "I'm building a startup in one week at my local library"

    Can't wait to watch! :D

    1. 3

      I LOVE THIS!

      I might give myself Mr Beast-like challenges in the near future

      "I can't leave my bed until I ship a startup"

    2. 1

      Oh this is gold, I love this. Brb looking for a waterproof dev machine...

  2. 3

    Major props on your live startup building feat in just 7 days! You're like the productivity ninja we all aspire to be! 💪

    You've already got a fantastic productivity hack, but here's another quirky one I stumbled upon online and have been loving since: The Pomodoro Dance Party 🕺🍅

    Simply put, blend the Pomodoro technique with impromptu dance breaks! Work for 25 minutes, then dance like a maniac to your favorite tunes for 5 minutes. This method not only injects fun into your routine, but it also helps relieve stress and anxiety. After all, who can stay tense after a mini dance session?

    Honestly, though, you're a hyper-creative force to be reckoned with! Keep inspiring us, and I'll be sure to catch your next live stream. Do zobaczenia 🇵🇱👋

  3. 3

    cmon men! Is the big brother of the startups building 😁
    Congrats, you've posted pure gold. I'll watch the video completely for sure!

    Edit: viewing the @artificialpub comment, I'll say that you can post a study-with-me-like video called 'bootstrapping with me' and for sure I'll subscribe to your Yt channel 💪

    1. 3

      I love the concept! Might do it again faster than I thought ahah

  4. 3

    Building in public is no doubt a productive way, and doing it live, you rock man!

    Congrats on the launch!🚀

  5. 2

    Congratulations! Marc

    I agree with u
    Productivity means that is often advocated in the context of personal development and productivity. The basic premise is that committing to a goal publicly and showing ongoing progress towards it can increase motivation and accountability, which in turn can lead to increased productivity.

    From a psychological perspective, this idea makes sense. When we make a public commitment to a goal, we create a social pressure to follow through on it. This pressure can motivate us to work harder and more consistently towards our goal, especially if we feel like we will be judged by others if we fail to make progress.

    Similarly, by showing ongoing progress towards our goal, we can build momentum and a sense of accomplishment. This can further motivate us to continue working towards the goal, even when the going gets tough.

    Overall, while there may be some individual differences in terms of how effective this strategy is for different people, the idea behind it is generally sound. By committing to a goal in public and showing ongoing progress, we can create a sense of accountability, motivation, and momentum that can help us achieve greater productivity.

  6. 2

    Honestly really cool. Good stuff Marc.

  7. 2

    Nice hack! Recently, I wanted to make kind of a community in Discord that just work together and share goals and tasks each working at. Plus, upon achieving goals you get some extra bonus experience and get to the top list. It remained at the level of an idea that never saw the light...

    1. 1

      stream it and built it :D

  8. 2

    It was great watching bits, and pieces of the live streams live!! Learned a lot during the whole process as well :)

    1. 1

      Good to hear Maya, thanks for you support!

  9. 2

    How do you deal with api keys?
    I'd be fearful of exposing something by doing this.

    1. 1

      I hide my screen (1 click) but...

      It leaked, a few times 🥲

      So I pause the stream and update the keys.

      Boring, but I get used to it^^

    1. 1

      Nice, and interesting naming!

  10. 2

    Wow that is a great way to get social accountability!
    And amazing that Google will just give you the bandwidth for this for free 🤯

    1. 2

      I agree. And there are surprisingly no ads on my lives

  11. 2

    Interesting experiment :D

  12. 2

    Admittedly haven't seen the whole series but your dedication to 8+ hours of streaming in a day is huge. Congrats on the transparency and looking forward to your next go!

    1. 1

      Thanks Thomas! Will prob do it again 🔥

  13. 2

    All around good, what an accomplishment! My efficiency https://gentlepediatrics.com/ hack is to time-block everything, set clocks, have little achievements and leave my telephone in the other room! Site blockers additionally help so you can plan your current circumstance for least dawdling! :D

    1. 1

      no phone in the room is such a good one!

  14. 2

    Well done, what an achievement! My productivity hack is to time-block everything, set timers, have small milestones and leave my phone in the other room! Website blockers also help so you can design your environment for minimum procrastination! :D

  15. 2

    I recently discovered building in public too. This a very effective and motivating technique for increasing your own effectiveness. Why haven't I done it before?

  16. 2

    Love the idea - something i would never think of doing tbh.

    I need to practice more building in public.

    1. 1

      You got this! 🔥

  17. 2

    Public accountability is so underestimated

    Main reason why I work from a coworking and publish things on Twitter! And congrats on the launch!

    1. 1

      love you bro ❤️

  18. 2

    I will 100% try this

  19. 2

    Congratulations Marc!!

  20. 2

    Congrats on the launch!🎉

  21. 2

    I've been following your live, cool journey bro.

    Congratulations on the launch finally.

    1. 2

      Good to hear! Thanks buddy :)

  22. 2

    @marclou Congratulations on currently you're at #2 spot on Product Hunt! I wish you the best of luck with your product.

    We also have a plan and are working to launch our product on Product Hunt. No doubt, it's a great place to target people who understand and use your product.

    Currently, I am working on Churnfree.com, which is a customer retention tool for membership businesses. In a few days, I hope it will be live on Product Hunt.

    1. 1

      Go buddy, launch it!!

  23. 2

    It was a wild ride 🔥

    1. 1

      and quite bumpy aha. Thanks for joining 🙌

  24. 1

    Ideas like this one make me want to leave everything I'm doing and start doing this right now :')

  25. 1

    Love the commitment, congrats! I guess I'll have to ask someone to watch over me each time I take on a new project 😁 For the time being, I am doing the watching, especially that I use a tool to track my productivity so at the end of each day, I check it to see where I spent my time so I can understand my actual work patterns and see how I can do better. It's really like someone is watching me, but that someone is me for now hahah

  26. 1

    Hello! ✋ Today, we launched (https://www.producthunt.com/posts/claspo) an online widget builder on Product Hunt.
    We have many ready-made templates and a wide range of targeting tools. It's easy to make a widget without design or programming experience 👌

    🎁 We are giving you free access for a month so you can increase conversion and optimize the customer journey on your sites.

    We also made cool widgets (https://claspo.io/templates/use-case/product-hunt/) for the website for launches on PH so that you can make your launches simpler and more effective!

    We will be grateful for your support (upvotes/comments) and feedback on the product. Have a nice day😉

  27. 1

    Interesting experience.
    What did you use to code iOS/android/web? Something cross-platform or native?

  28. 1

    I used to stream myself coding an app on Twitch. It really does help with productivity. I had to stop once I started making Bank Statement Converter because it is LOADED with personally identifiable data.

    I might pick it up again though.

  29. 1

    Great stuff, it reminded me of this article https://www.simonberens.com/p/i-hired-5-people-to-sit-behind-me where the intention was similar to yours.

  30. 1

    Co-working works a lot for me! I co-work with founders cafe all the time too. It's like building in public but with less judgey eyes XD

  31. 1

    very nice
    I like how I keep seeing this play over and over again : virtual co working or streaming yourself work
    The whole thing I build (not gonna mention, don't know the rules) revolves around vitual co-working and this brain hack, where you can't not work after you said you would :D
    It's so freaky how it works

    gave you a thumbs up on product hunt too, good luck

  32. 1

    I see this concept scaled into a collab tool for companies 🤔

  33. 1

    That's fast to ship an app, congratulations! I wanted to take video snippets of "real life code building" and share but wasn't sure anyone would be interested in live debugging lol... But perhaps I will now :)

  34. 1

    Did you do it for certain hours everyday or all the time you were building? I was considering something like this but still on the wall :)

  35. 1

    Really interesting. I always struggle with the first step. There is something weird about putting yourself out there but I think one gets used to it eventually :D Thank you for sharing!

  36. 1

    Really cool! Most of us think about what could go bad in situations like this, but this is really inspiring, by building in public one definitely gain a lot more. Thanks for sharing!

  37. 1

    Great idea! Good way to keep your focus on moving forwards. Staying focused on the important parts instead of endless tweaking on colors, pixels, font sizes, etc.
    But I think I'll keep my own struggles more to myself for the time being...

  38. 1

    Hearty Congrats! such an awesome idea.

  39. 1

    what a great idea !
    I have a weird productivity tip to. I don't use fancy new saas product (that are amazing by the way). Just a good old rough book.
    I upvoted your product on PH by the way, love the video ;)

  40. 1

    Amazing, supported you on the product hunt! Inspiring Journey!

  41. 1

    Awesome, thinking on building in public!

  42. 1

    That's awesome Marc! Before you started building in public, were you worried about people watching you work? That's the main thing stopping me from doing #buildinpublic 😅

    1. 2

      In public on Twitter, not really

      Live on YouTube, yes 100% ahah

      But the community is so friendly, all I heard was kind and supportive!

      1. 2

        Love to hear that! That's really cool, you're inspiring to try building live on youtube as well 😄

      2. 1

        As a solo founder myself, I love communities that are so supportive! <3

  43. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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