AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP

AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP, the three vendors have cornered a major chunk of the cloud deployment market. A major dilemma that technical decision-makers in organizations who want to deploy cloud face is which cloud vendor to choose.

In this blog, we have given a detailed comparison between the cloud majors to help you decide on the best cloud solution for your business.

AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP: A Complete Comparison Guide

AWS is the most popular public cloud provider with over 10 million customers and more than 40 services for every industry and use case. It has been around since 2006, and it is still growing rapidly with over 350,000 new users joining every month. AWS has two major regions: US West (Oregon) and US East (Virginia).

Azure is Microsoft's answer to AWS, offering similar services but at a lower price point. Azure has been around since 2010 when it was launched by Microsoft as a competitor to AWS. It currently has two regions: North Central US and West Europe (Ireland).

GCP was launched in 2008 as an internal project by Google before being turned into a public service in 2016 under the name Project Fi-Fi (Google Fiber). It currently has one region: Central US.

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