React Coding Challenges Is officially on the awesome-react list on GitHub!

Just under a year ago I published the first react-coding-challenge on GitHub, Rocket Ship 🚀.

Right now, there's 4 fully fledged challenges (almost 5) and 300 ⭐️ on GitHub.

Today the challenges officially got added to the awesome-react list, which has over 42K ⭐️ and is used by thousands of people!

Thanks and love to the whole community - here's to many more challenges 🙏

The challenges - https://github.com/alexgurr/react-coding-challenges

awesome-react - https://github.com/enaqx/awesome-react#react-interview-questions

What and why - https://dev.to/alexgurr/react-coding-challenges-for-interviews-beginners-1hlk

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