Is affiliate marketing via content creators a good avenue for a dev-tool SaaS?

Hey everyone!

I'm working on a little dev-tool-SaaS for front-end devs create mock APIs so they can stay productive while they wait for a finished "real" backend: Reffresh.com.

My thoughts so far has been that trying to get in touch with a bunch of front-end dev content creators and have them use the product themselves / talk about it would be a good strategy for getting it in-front of the eyes of my target market. Has anyone done something like this? Is it a good idea?

Thanks in advance!

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    Affiliates are in it purely for the money. They're not interested in the product, just how much they can make. Developers, in general, don't make good affiliate marketers, as @DmytroKrasun has observed.

    I think you'll find more success going the influencer marketing route. Not saying it will be any easier, but you're more likely to get a better response, assuming you've got a great product.

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    That's a great idea!

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    Nic, I do have an affiliate program for my product in the developer space, but it hardly gets me any sales.

    One of the reasons, I guess, is because a one-off promotion is not enough. You want to find a creator who will promote your product consistently, especially, good if they are excited about using it.

    But people, especially, developers easily smell promotions. Not an easy task to solve.

    Do you have any platforms in mind with creators? Or do you just want to reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn?

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      Thanks for this response!

      Yeah I was thinking less in the sense of getting people to "promote" it and more that they actually just "use" it in their normal workflow, to create more of a grass roots promotion.

      For example I was chatting to someone yesterday and they said "When I write posts or make videos, or educational stuff, I want to ensure I make practical real world examples. Finding APIs to use has often been a challenge for me." which is the exact use-case for this.

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