Two million clicks from one email! You did read that right.

The offer? A 50% discount.

Something we've seen one million times before, except this time, in the palms of a copywriter with acute awareness of human psychology:

“The first five people (scarcity) to click this button (labour illusion) 500 times (ridiculousness) win 50% off (gamification)


Clicks are a positive mailbox signal so it's not too surprising that “engagement almost doubled after this campaign”.

Funny what happens when you write emails people enjoy.

From my newsletter... If anyone wants to give it a try. (3 short examples, 2 copywriting tips, 1 favourite tweet, oodles of love, care, and attention) 💕

  1. 2

    Harry's back, ladies and gentlemen, and he's taking scalps as always. 🔥

    1. 1

      Hey Channing! Appreciate the warm welcome. What do you think the best way of sharing my newsletter is to the forum? I had 5 examples like this in the newsletter. All together? Or break em off?

  2. 1

    Thank you for sharing the interesting experiment. Guess when you write email with a real human in mind, instead of the AI template, it resonates with its audiences.

  3. 1

    Good idea! I've got thing to do with holiday season campaign

  4. 1

    How to get to that number of subscriber in the first place? For me I made an automated keyword analysis tool which will analyze thousands of keywords related to specific market and target customer.

    From that analysis you will gain insight where your potential customer are and what they are readding. And then you can write a blog suitable for the target customer and then promote your newsletter inside the blog.

    The closer your newsletter subscriber to your newsletter topic they better the open rate.

    If you want to use tool you can check out at creativeblogtopic.com

    Here if you want to view sample analysis CREATIVEBLOGTOPIC SAMPLE ANALYSIS

  5. 1

    It seems like you're sharing information about a significant accomplishment of achieving two million clicks from a single email. If this is a statement or an achievement you want to discuss or elaborate on, feel free to provide more context or ask a specific question related to email marketing, analytics, or any other topic you have in mind.

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