An alternative to restrictive PDFs, boring newsletters and bloated websites

Hey IH 👋

We built an app that offers an alternative to restrictive PDFs, boring newsletters and bloated websites.

Flya enables you to make digital updates using a web link that adapt and look good on every device, just like a webpage. When you are ready just send your update as a personalised link and rest assured that your recipient will receive something worth scrolling through.

This is storytelling for the digital age.

Our platform empowers you to create dynamic project updates at lightning speed, well away from the constraints and hassles of traditional communication. The intuitive editor lets you build rich text, image galleries, embed video, graphs and so much more, in a way that is easy and means no worry about hosting fees or backend chaos.

But our platform is not just about sending information; it's about engaging with your audience. With tools for personalised spaces, Q&A, call-to-actions and visitor view count, your recipients become active participants in your work.

With a special focus on privacy, Flya is designed to be non-crawlable by search engines or AI, ensuring your work remains secure and private.

What Our Customers are saying:
"As a busy agency, keeping our clients informed is a huge priority. Before Flya, this was a huge strain on our resources. Now, we can quickly create comprehensive project updates that they love to read!" - Ryan Bromley, Partner | Good Innovation

We'd love to hear what you think of this idea and if it might be something you could see you and your team adopting. Visit https://flya.app to try it out for free 🙌

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Startup Promotion
on May 22, 2023
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