What made you happy this weekend?

Hey everyone 👋, have you heard of us? We're the happiness group - if you're not already a part of it, you should be!

Seriously, what's more important than being happy?

Alright, now with that out of the way - let's talk happy.

We're only halfway through the weekend so far, for some of us. I actually work Sunday so it's basically over for me, but ya 🤷‍♂️...

Post whatever you want - it could be as simple as eating an awesome meal, cooking something new, getting another customer on your project, playing a game with your kid, hanging out with someone you love. We have to appreciate the small things as well as the big ones!

Btw, it can also be something huge - maybe you made 1 million dollars. Or had a baby (although if you did, go spend time with your husband/wife, get off of indie hackers, seriously...).

Could be something totally different but whatever it is, I'm sure every single person here, on indie hackers, had a reason to be happy this weekend and I want to hear it!

posted to
on July 11, 2020
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    Recorded my first podcast interview and it went great! (I haven't posted it yet)

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      That’s amazing 👏!

      What’s it about?

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        The idea behind the podcast is to interview startup founders and focus on depth over breadth.

        Other podcasts 1) keep episodes to 60 minutes or so and 2) try to cover a company from beginning to end. Beginning to end might be three years long. If you try to cover a period of three years in 60 minutes, I think that there is stuff you will miss. Eg. if there founder has an interesting story about how they got started, you can't spend 30 minutes diving in to that because that's half the episode right there. So my goal is always go down those rabbit holes. That'll have to mean some combination of a) long episodes, b) follow-up episodes, and c) reduced scope. Socratic Grilling was a big inspiration.

        Any thoughts? I'm treating it as an experiment and would love to hear what other people think. I plan on posting about it more properly on Indie Hackers after I have some more episodes recorded and my thoughts more figured out.

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          I’d be very interested to hear an example episode but this kind of reminds me of joe rogan. He has very long episodes but personally I enjoy the short sound bites than the full episodes. I do think that talking to someone for long inherently makes it more likely to get more interesting sound bites but do believe that overall the entire episode/conversation will be more monotonous/boring unless you’re a really good and entertaining host (which you totally might be!)

          I think that distribution will be key, the way that you present the episodes to make them interesting to listeners. For example: Maybe having a few different versions of interviews, one with just the highlights edited and another with the whole conversation. Maybe just a really good episode viewer platform where you have time stamps for each topic so it’s easy for people to skip around.

          These are just my initial thoughts of course so I can’t wait to hear an actual episode to see how it is. I’ve been wanting to get into podcasting for a while but haven’t decided how I’d like to format my podcast. These problems are a big part of my debate. Do I want a longer more in depth podcast or a shorter one. Will it be more interesting or more shallow if that’s the case. I’m not sure yet but I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter as well, especially since you have some practical experience at this point.

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            Just posted my first interview and wrote about the thinking/philosophy behind the podcast some more.

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              I’ve enjoyed it so far, I started listening to it while I was falling asleep last night.

              I honestly don’t remember how far I got, hehe, but I do know I’m more interested in the business and tech side and for the first however long I listened to it seemed to be a very very long ad for his relationship hero company.

              You kept discussing how it works and he went really in depth about why it’s important and better than other things. Overall, in future episodes I wouldn’t want to hear so much about company specifics but more about how they built it, challenges they beat and how they did it, maybe some concrete numbers of how they’re doing or how they got there. But not so much about the specific company cause it just sounds like he’s trying to sell me the use of his services.

              That’s just me though and you were a very entertaining host to listen to 😊 so can’t wait for future episodes.

              How did you manage to get an interview with him?

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                Thanks for the feedback. It's good to get that viewpoint from you. Early on in the episode I agree that it was very much about what the company is. That doesn't last too long though, soon after that we spend the remainder of the episode talking about where he was in his life and what lead him to decide to start Relationship Hero. I actually have another interview scheduled with him on Sunday, and hopefully another one after that as well, and in those interviews we're definitely going to be talking about the things you're looking for.

                Thanks for the compliment about my hosting. I re-listened to it last night and realized I actually have a ton to improve on. One big thing was that I constantly am giving little acknowledgements: "ok...", "uh huh...", "right...". It sounded natural as I was doing it in the moment but after the fact it sounds wrong to me. That's ok though, that's a big reason why I'm doing this, so I could discover these sorts of things and "level up"!

                I got the interview with him because we both hang out on https://www.lesswrong.com/ and have had some conversations there before.

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            I’d be very interested to hear an example episode

            Cool, I'll hit you up soon when I actually release it!

            this kind of reminds me of joe rogan

            Ah, interesting. I haven't listened to his podcast in a very long time but I'll have to check it out again.

            Maybe just a really good episode viewer platform where you have time stamps for each topic so it’s easy for people to skip around.

            I like that idea a lot. I actually built a side project a while ago that basically does what you're describing. Might be time to dust off the spider webs and use some version of it for this!

            I’ve been wanting to get into podcasting for a while

            I've found the nuts-and-bolts part of it to be very easy with anchor.fm FWIW.

            I’m not sure yet but I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter as well, especially since you have some practical experience at this point.

            My big thought is that just getting started will clarify a lot of this. I think that for a lot of things there's an element of "the only way to find out is to give it a shot". You can also try different formats in parallel.

            If you do get started let me know, I'd love to see how it turns out!

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    Able to connect with my girlfriend without devices in our hands.

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      Yay 😊, connections are the best and no technology to interrupt makes the time even better.

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    Went for a nice long bike-ride with the girlfriend! She hasn't been able to ride a bike in a few years due to a chronic leg injury so it was very nice to be able to share that moment with her!

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      👏👏👏 I’m so happy to hear that. Hopefully she fully heals and can keep on riding 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️

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    sold a tiny painting and the same customer purchased the another tiny painting as well :) shipping to Baltimore soon :)

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    My incredible success with Tabler icons. I'll write about it tomorrow.

    1. 1

      Oh wow man, that's amazing!
      I've seen you everywhere, haha - Product Hunt, Twitter, here 😛 so you're doing awesome. Also, the icons look amazing, I love how you can change their stroke live and in general the whole interface is awesome. Ping me when you write about it cause I'm really interesting in reading it!

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        Thank you. Yeah, it was one viral weekend with thousands and thousands of visitors. So I'm really happy people like it.

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    I got a message from an investor that he was interested in my landing page. Which was a shock but that made me happy 😃

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      That’s amazing!!! Good luck going forward.

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    I actually took a break from all the "work" and played games on my laptop. I don't know why but it makes me happy. I wasn't able to make time for them so yeah :)

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      Yes, I love video games, what games did/do you play?

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        I played Apex Legends, Valorant, Rainbox Six Siege and GTA V (because I have my businesses there as well 😛).

    1. 1

      There’s nothing like getting an idea implemented so quickly, good luck!

      I’m on mobile and have no idea what ui hunt is based on the page I landed on. Can you drop a quick explanation?

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