How can I use video to get more paid users?

As you continue to build your business, you are always faced with the everyday query: “how do I get more (paid) users?"

Some days, you get rewarded with more signups. Other days, you are stuck in a rut.

“What Happens When You Are Not Getting More Users Registering with You?”

  • Hitting a plateau. Your growth is stalled when it comes to the amount of users that you are onboarding for your startup. This can be a problem when you are trying to keep more users from canceling their service with you.

  • Need to generate more traction, faster. Another problem with having stalled user growth is that you need to get more users to sign up with your product so you can generate more profit for your company.

The Bounce Rate is too damn high. When people don’t stay on your website long enough, you are missing out on potential conversions (and sales).

People are still confused about your product. Another reason why people are leaving your site is because they don't fully understand how you can help them.

“Can Video Fix This Problem For Me?”

There is no silver bullet but there is one tool that you can always use to get more users to sign up with your tool: video.

With video, you can:

  • keep people on your website longer. This ranks your website higher in the search rankings so more people can find you.

  • explain your product better so that they can understand how your product works. This means that more people will sign up at your website.

  • reach your potential customers on various platforms and hold their attention longer. This helps separate you from your competitors who are using text.

With an audience reach of 92% (Statista), you can reach your potential customers much more easily.

“Just Add Video”

Of course, just saying “just add video” is not going to be enough for you to get the results that you are looking for on your website.

So, here are 4 methods that you can use video to drive higher conversions for your website.

Creating a High-Converting Landing Page Video To Create a Great First Impression

If you want to show off how your product works, video is a great medium to use.

With video, you can explain how your product works and to answer pressing questions within less time that it takes for your visitor to read everything on your website.

With that said, you can still ruin your chances of showcasing a great first impression.

For example,

  • your landing page video runs longer than 75 seconds. Anything longer risks your audience not finishing the video completely. If you want higher conversions, keep your landing page video to 75 seconds or less.

  • your landing page video is below-the-fold. The best place to place your landing page video is dead center where your audience can see it. By hiding it below the fold, you are losing conversions outright.

If you can keep your landing page video straightforward, visually engaging, and above-the-fold, you can convert a percentage of your audience members into onboarding into your funnel.

(“We actually create high-converting videos for companies. If you are interested in having a great video created for you, you can get started with a free high-converting landing page script here”: https://airtable.com/shrkjId5WjEGOqIZy)

Use a Growth-Driven Content Calendar to Track Results

Just because you have a landing page video does not mean that it is sunshines-and-roses.

How do you know if your landing page video is working?

If you are not keeping track of your KPI’s, then you are missing valuable data that you can use in order to drive more conversions for your website.

Beyond just using a landing page video, you can use video throughout your content marketing campaign.

You can set up a spreadsheet to act as your Growth Model that tracks some of the following KPI’s:

  • Average Watch Time. The average percentage of the viewers who watch your videos from beginning-to-end.

  • Conversion Rate. The percentage of people who onboarded onto your CTA (call-to-action) versus the total traffic of your content.

  • # of Engaged Leads. The total number of leads who are actively responsive to your calls.

Whatever KPIs are most important for your company, you can use video to test whether it rises or falls.

Be More Personal with a Demo Video.

You can use video in a Demo Video where you are speaking directly to your potential visitor who is more interested in learning more about how your product actively functions.

A Demo Video is usually a moderately long video where you are explaining the features more in-depth.

It should be stated that a demo video (in most cases) should not be your landing page video.

Your landing page video is your first impression that gets your website visitor excited about your product.

Your demo video (especially if it is just you talking directly to your audience) should be more personal as you are describing more specific features on your product works for your end audience.

By using a public-friendly landing page video with a softer, personal demo video, you can get your audience excited and then calm them down when you explain the features more in-depth.

Prove that Your Product Works with Video Testimonials!

Using video testimonials is key to adding more conversions for your company.

The truth is that text reviews can be faked. I know….because I have seen it.

However, if you can use a video testimonial on your website, then you can showcase that your product is actually functional and that it works!

Adding to that, you can leverage a new library of copy onto your website that your end customer is giving you onto your website.

By using video testimonials, you can get more people on board into your funnel.

You Can Use Video in 4 Great Ways!

With these 4 tips, you can craft a highly optimized video to convert more of your traffic right away.

With a landing page video that shows off of your website, your viewers are excited to learn more about your product.

With a demo video, you can personally describe how your product works and how they can use your product in a way that fits their workflow.

With video testimonials, you can show that your product works the way that it is supposed to.

And with a content calendar, you can track how video benefits your marketing.

By using video throughout your content marketing campaign and on your landing page, you can keep your viewers more engaged as they pay more attention to you in a world full of noise.

If you are interested in having a high-converting landing page video crafted for you, click here so we can get started to creating the best first impression for you.

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SaaS Marketing
on May 12, 2023
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