5,500 subscribers in the email list. What next?

By selling illustrations, I have already accumulated more than 5.5k unique customers on my Gumroad account. Now I'm thinking about how to use it further.

First of all, maybe I won't do anything, let the email base grow. Maybe I'll start sending emails when I reach 10k uniques.

Secondly, how do that? Gumroad has its own email-sending capabilities. Moreover, it is free! I think this is very important because mailings cost money. Or do need I to try something else? Email checker to clean my mailing list. Then create a beautiful email in some email builder. And try to create an email campaign with an email chain and send it through known platforms.

Is all this really necessary? Wouldn't it be enough to send a few emails with promo codes (something like -80% on everything, super sale) through Gumroad and that's it? 0$ and the same effect.

Is it really so? Do you have experience with this? Does it really make sense to use expensive and well-known platforms?

posted to
Email Marketing
on October 3, 2022
  1. 2

    Something to consider, is that if this list is not active and you're not in front of this audience is someway, then the longer you leave it this way, the harder it will be to be remembered (and have your email's opened). The first email you send needs to be a good re-introduction and reminder. Maybe a discount? Or you could partner with others doing something similar "you might like" sort of thing (and take a commission on any sales). Anyway if it was me, i'd be sending a newsletter (providing value & not just selling) of some description at least once a month, but more if possible.

    You have a very, very valuable resource there. 5,500 customers, not just subscribers? Most of us would kill for that.

    Something to consider, is that you can upload your contact list to social or advertising channels, meaning you have an opportunity to stay front of mind that way.

    You might want to test on Gumroad and then look to move to a dedicated email provider, which will give you more control. Most providers charge according to the size of your list, so you might want to clean it up as you go (remove those that are not active).

    You're in a very good position though, money is on the table, but only if you take action. I wouldn't worry to much about how, so much as actually doing something ASAP.

    1. 1

      Oh, wow! That's a very interesting point! I didn't even think about the fact that I was procrastinating with my activity (that is, I collect an audience), and someone might just not remember me. So yes, you are 100% right, I should not delay and start with something pleasant. To tell the truth, I didn't even plan to send out anything other than big discounts, in order not to get negative. That is, either "New freebies" or "Here is a coupon for 50%-80% off".

      So I think I'll do that. I have 2-3 new products (paid) on the way, so I'll list them and make a newsletter with coupons. Will do it through Gumroad. Free + I'll see the result. And then I'll try to clear the list (I found a good service and tested it) and try something more difficult. Something once a month or once every 2 weeks.

      Thanks for this comment, it helped me decide on the next steps :)

      1. 1

        Sounds like a plan. :)

        1. 2

          I might just add, not to make every email about selling if you can. Consider if there is something else of value you can bring to this audience. Another reason for them to open your email.

          Also consider that you don't have to just promote your own stuff, you can curate or partner with others and earn from that too. Simply ask yourself, "if they bought this from me, what else might they buy?"

          PS: If Gumroad doesn't do the job for you (data on engagement, creating automated sequences etc) i use Active Campaign for my email marketing.

          1. 1

            Exactly! That's a good point, thanks for the info!

  2. 1

    Having a list is an amazing opportunity, but as someone else mentioned, sitting on is going to diminish its viability. You need to reactivate your list, sending out an email that lets people know you'll be emailing, what value they can get, and (ideally) gets them to self-segment so that you can provide more relevant content.

    There's no magic formula for engaging a dormant subscriber list; you just send the first email, clearly state that you will be sending emails, and give options for personalized content and opting out if people aren't interested.

    Then, you can upsell your products, educate on features, collect feedback, etc.

    Bottom line: Definitely don't wait until you reach 10k or some other magic number. By that time, the earliest subscribers will have forgotten about you completely.

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