Please vet my startup idea — Recurring Task Management Tool for Streamlined Workflows

I'm working on a tool to help manage recurring tasks in one place. Tasks like onboarding new employees or regularly checking maintenance checklists require ongoing attention to ensure they aren't missed. My tool will create a checklist with multiple subtasks that can be assigned to team members. Each process can be set to repeat automatically or a new task can be added as needed.

You can add automations and analytics to the tool. While there are existing products like Process Street and Checkli in the market, their user interfaces are outdated and they lack automations and advance analytics.

What do you think is there any market for this type of product?

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    What do you think is there any market for this type of product?

    You'd have to begin by conducting market research, speaking to their current customers and your target market. Find their pain points and solve accordingly. Don't ask them: would you pay X/month for this. If you solve a deep problem that you're passionate about, while staying agile enough to pivot, you should be well on your way!

    Best of luck

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      Thanks @savan this will be helpful

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    It sounds like you're working on an innovative tool to help businesses manage recurring tasks more efficiently. The ability to create checklists with multiple subtasks that can be assigned to team members and set to repeat automatically is a valuable feature that can save a lot of time and effort for businesses.

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      Thanks for the feedback

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    As I've said to others on here - the only real true test of whether there is a market for any product is whether or not other businesses are successfully selling it.

    Are there other businesses selling this product?

    If yes - great, it's validated. Create a differentiated version.

    If not - it's not validated. Don't pursue it.



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    I'll start by saying I like the idea! But, of the top of my head, I'd think that your tool should offer more various functionality, beyond managing recurring tasks. It is definitely a good start, and will help you target a specific niche. However, in the long term, since you are aiming mostly at B2B, I hardly imagine businesses adopting a new product for one use-case. Businesses are already overwhelmed with multiple tools, and would be reluctant to adding extra.

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      Yes That's correct I need to offer more functionalities as well, but for starting up I want to focus on niche market first, I have to figure out how will I market this product

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    I would begin by doing a first hand market research amongst relevant consumers.

    You can create a Google/Type Form and float it in your network to help answer a few questions w.r.t. what is the current user behaviour, what are the challenges faced and what is an ideal Task Manager for the consumer & willingness to pay.
    Also capture demographic details so that it helps you build cohorts for your analysis. And ask them if they would be open to a 20 mins call to discuss their feedback with you.
    Keep the questionnaire a mix of multi choice and open ended questions.
    Try to get 150-200 responses.

    This will give you a good insight on what potential consumers want, and make decisions on product & product positioning.
    All the best!

    1. 1

      Thanks will try this

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    The only thing I would think about is how to build what those others lack, first. Try the most minimal thing that they don't have, and start there. See if people who already use those apps, or are "interested in those apps" want the thing you are offering.

    As you mentioned their interfaces are outdated. you can always look at how "Canva" took a HUGE chunk of market from Adobe. With templates.

    Build pre built checklists, and even offer a "marketplace" for pre-built checklists. Because there's so many workflow tools including trello, google sheets, airtable... there's less of the actual "checklists" and I imagine you can get 100-200 thought leaders who already offer checklists, to put them on your site. Sorry just a crazy idea.

    1. 1

      Thank you for the feedback, In fact this checklist thing was in my mind, and with marketplace idea would definitely help me in SEO part.

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