Clubhouse Invite train crosses $2000 in 7 days

It's been a week since I started Clubhouse Pay-It forward invite chain and I've crossed $2000 in under 7 days. If you are still looking for invite, consider buying few cups of coffees to join the train: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/felixbmc

  1. 1

    People can buy invites at $14.99 https://getclubhouseinvite.boxpiper.com/.
    Few already given.

  2. 1

    how do you use it? I couldn't figure out how to switch panes.

    1. 1

      it's pretty simple, Also Clubhouse hosts community clubs where everyday they have beginners onboarding which explains and simplifies things. If nothing works out, hit me up on felixjosemon, happy to show around it

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