Where do you find freelancers?

Hey IH 👋

I'm finally accepting the fact that I need to delegate more and more of my work, but hiring people (even part-time freelancers) is exhausting to me. Where do you find quality candidates?

Currently I'm looking for a MixPanel expert to find some meaning in the data we collected for Sizzy. So far I've been using UpWork but I'm pretty sure there are better alternatives out there.

Do you have any suggestions?

  1. 3

    I have had good results with Fiverr.

    1. 1

      I've had only a bad experience with Fiverr

    2. 1

      Me too. I like to give a small task first to see if they can deliver (sometimes spread out over multiple people), and then let the best one do the rest of the work.

  2. 3

    Hey Kitze,
    my current go-to platforms to look for independent workers/ people who want to take up side gigs are Contra (https://contra.com/) and Polywork (https://www.polywork.com/). Polywork is invite only though, so let me know if you'd like me to send you an invite to the platform.

    Good luck!

    1. 1

      I would like an invite also! My email is [email protected]

    2. 1

      Thank you! yup i'd appreciate an invite at [email protected]

      1. 1

        Just sent you one!

  3. 1

    This post shares a bunch of places — hope it helps.

  4. 1

    Kitze, if you have the time, we'd love to learn from your journey to find freelancers. We recognize the struggle and are building a platform to make this so much easier. But, as you can see from the comments below - it's a tough nut to crack. Let me know if you have 30 minutes somewhere!

    See our links (product here on IH and our website):

  5. 1

    I usually try Fiverr but juts for small tasks and micro jobs (and always looking for freelance rating and reviews).

    Maybe Freelancer (https://www.freelancer.com/) could be more interesting for you.

  6. 1

    Fiverr & Upwork is question of luck, it is luck in general but you have bigger say when it is face to face.
    For freelance work you need very well defined tasks in order to get good results (or luck)
    As is only universally understood things work well for freelance work, staff like "need website like tis one" or "need an app that works like this but with that changed", it can end badly but at least you can save your money if you link payment with specific target only.

  7. 1

    I tend to use local job platforms in the country your looking freelancers for.

    Specific Country
    Specific Country & Job Portal
    if no success

    Google translate English to Specific Country Language

    job portal

    Google "Job Portal" in that language.

    I hope that helps :)

    1. 2

      I don't really care about their location tbh

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