Advanced Dynamic Personalization for LinkedIn —The What and the How

75% of the B2B marketers use advanced personalization with an outcome of 200% ROI. If you are a beginner in the B2B world, you might be familiar with the term ‘personalization.’ Many people seem familiar with this term, but few know exactly what it means.

Many people believe that personalization is sprinkling the first and the last name in a pre-made template and sending them to everyone on the list. However, personalization has become much more advanced.

In this guide, we’ll show you how you can use advanced techniques and LinkedIn automation tools to get an acceptance rate of up to 80% with advanced personalization.

Why Is Advanced Personalization Important?

Here are some facts to help you get a better idea:

LinkedIn is heaven for B2B marketers who are looking for quality content.
91% of the executive believe they find their business content on LinkedIn.
B2B marketers consider it the number 1 platform for content distribution.
According to marketing surveys published in 2020, almost 88% of marketers are shifting towards personalization to improve and maximize their customer experience.

They have shifted from traditional campaign activities to advanced personalization strategies to engage customers better and understand their needs. 84% of marketers have acknowledged that they have experienced a significant improvement in their sales cycle after using advanced personalization.

That’s why most B2B marketers today use advanced personalization tactics and strategies to be more relevant and specific.

What is advanced personalization?

If you use LinkedIn, you’d know what type of connect requests people send daily. Most of the time, you get something like this:

“Hi! I want to connect with you.”

You sit there wondering who that person is and why they want to connect with you. Such templates bring no significant outcome because everyone uses the same template, and prospects don’t bother to accept them.

To stand out from the rest, you must go the extra mile. Using the latest LinkedIn automation tools, you can collect useful information about them and then craft a message based on these details. Using these practices, you can make meaningful connections, increase visibility, set your reputation as an industry leader, etc.

But how should this work? What techniques and LinkedIn automation tools do you need? Let’s tackle these questions and understand how you can run highly personalized LinkedIn outreach campaigns.

With the best LinkedIn automation tools like LinkedCamp, you will get dynamic tags that you can add to your messages to take your personalization to the next level.

Here are some of the dynamic tags:

1. {first_name}

2. {last_name}

3. {job_title}

4. {company_name}

5. {Dynamic Placeholder}

And it doesn’t just end here. You can even add amazing visuals to your messages to make them more personalized. It’s all possible with LinkedCamp, the safest cloud-based LinkedIn automation tool.

This amazing LinkedIn automation tool offers Hyperise Integration that allows users to send customized images/GIFs along with the text.

It automatically detects a person's avatar and then adds them to a unique image or GIF template that will quickly grab the prospects’ attention.

How does it work?

A normal user on LinkedIn gets a lot of connecting notes and messages in a day. Most of these messages are templated and boring, failing to grab any attention. So, you’d set up a personalized campaign using LinkedCamp, and all your prospects would receive highly personalized messages in their inboxes.

Many of our users who have used this technique to run campaigns have significantly improved their acceptance and response rate. They have been able to get 75% of the acceptance rate and 25% of the response rate. That’s huge, especially for B2B marketers. The best part? You don’t need to spend hundreds of hours doing all this because the best LinkedIn automation tools will do this all for you.

How to Do Dynamic Personalization LinkedIn Outreach?

Running a dynamic, personalized LinkedIn outreach means connecting with people automatically; people will see it as personalized and super authentic.

You will experience a higher acceptance rate and good-quality leads if done right. The technique here is to use the dynamic variables mentioned above to address the individuals you’re trying to target.

When you set up a campaign and place a custom tag in your message template, it will appear different to every prospect based on their first/last name, location, industry type, etc.

What Are the Advantages Of Advanced Personalization On LinkedIn?

Advanced personalization has a lot of benefits for marketers because of the following reasons:

1. It’s a unique approach

It’s a natural phenomenon that your prospects would pay attention to you when they see you have put some effort into connecting and engaging with them. As most people send templates, only a few people adopt this approach, so it gives you significant outcomes.

2. Stands Out from the Rest

When your approach is different, you stand out from hundreds and thousands of people around you; you’re more likely to get success.

3. Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth has a lot of importance in the B2B marketing world. You can convince your customers by sending personalized messages, and they start trusting you and your brand. When you start interacting with people personally, you always outshine them.

Now that you have understood what hyper-personalization is, why it is important, and why you should make it part of your marketing strategy, it’s time to execute this plan.

You can get amazing results with the right LinkedIn automation tool. Set up highly personalized campaigns using LinkedCamp, differentiate yourself from others, and get amazing results quickly.

Checklist & takeaways:

  • Personalization is the key to successful LinkedIn outreach

  • Personalizing your outreach campaigns can significantly improve your acceptance and response rate

  • 80% of the marketers have included personalization in their LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

  • Run hyper-personalized Campaigns with LinkedCamp to get a 75% response rate

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