Advice needed! New articles as blog posts or new pages?

Which is better for SEO? Adding content as a part of a big blog or as pages with sub pages??

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on January 22, 2023
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    Do both.

    A blog is just a page with a bit more organization from the CMS.

    A blog (in a CMS) organizes content, usually sets up an RSS feed, and has built in pagination as well as categories. This is great for organizing content in a digestable way, but that is not the only way to create content.

    I like to group blog posts into long form articles (also called pillar pages) and create these as 'pages' on my website as opposed to blog posts. I generally recommend choosing a few topics in your niche you want to be an authority on and create pillar pages for those and link them from the homepage.

    Ultimately though, structure your website in a way that helps your ideal customer and educates them. So many people treat their blogs like a content graveyard and they are doing a serious disservice. Instead I like to be choosy with what I create content on, and place the content on my site in a way that will help my customers. The benefit here is that your site stands out from the competition, Google sees it as valuable, and your content has a much better chance of converting visitors (which is what it's all about anyway).

    If you head to my website (www.centori.io) and scroll down to the footer you'll see what I mean about the pillar pages.

    1. 1

      Thanks! This was helpful!

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