What are you struggling with? Marketplace Edition

Marketplaces are hard! If you are currently facing some issues, let us know!

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    Hey about to launch in another country and just trying to figure out steps to recruit high quality suppliers and how to get them to stick with our product while we recruit buyers. We are a marketplace for businesses in Africa https://sellox.io

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    Hey we just launched https://www.getset.today this week. It's an online mentorship platform for Professionals and Students who just want advise regarding a particular field of work or study in Canada from people in who are already in that field. What would you recommend as some user acquisition strategies and channels?

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    Good one! Biggest struggle is to get out there and find new clients. I think visibility is taking a lot of outreach for now, but wondering about the best steps to be well-known.
    For context: https://onsite.fun

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      By clients, do you mean people doing the activity or people hosting the activity?

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        By clients, I mean demand-side! So people paying for activities

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          We're in the same boat then! I'm working on: https://glowism.com. Customer acquisition is also what I'm struggling with...

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            Oh! Interesting project! I believe you have a growing opportunity to monetize products per referrals as well, no (B2B2C)? I think there is a similar thing going on in the UK called getharry or something similar.
            Best of luck!

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    Getting publishers to post audio content on my app without a large listener base. The listener base is struggling without the audio content. www.dailyune.com

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      Chicken-and-egg? :)

      I see two issues:

      • Your publishers most likely don't have any incentive to post. The biggest incentive is exposure/followers most likely.
      • Listeners won't come without new content, as you say. So need to figure that out first.

      Also interesting that you are looking at it from a two-sided view, wouldn't publishers most likely also be listeners and vice-versa with this format? It's closer to Twitter than a traditional podcast.

      So, multiple options:

      • Offer small podcasts to re-post their content for additional exposure yourself (cut it up in pieces)
      • Fill up your app with hand-picked audio from elsewhere
      • Encourage listeners to share the app with fellow podcast listeners
      • Concentrate on your "listener" base first with the steps described above
      • Once you have enough listeners, incentivize to post themselves or import more content (e.g. clips of their fav podcasts)
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        Yeah that’s it, the old chicken or egg problem.

        Thanks for taking a look, I appreciate that. At the moment I do see it as a two sided market because publishers are thin. Many don’t like the sound of their voice or think they have anything to say that people want to hear (from surveys).

        Your first two notes will indeed get more content though I’d prefer automate the process over chopping up episodes myself.

        We do have over 120 podcasts currently on the app though need more.

        I’m thinking of connecting with someone that knows NLP and is able to help build a tool that chops long podcasts into segments.

        Other than dreaming that up I have my business partner attempting to connect with larger producers to work out some sort of partnership.

        Will need a few ducks to line up in order to pull this off.

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