AI Tools for new leads?

What tools do y'all use for getting new leads?

I'm wondering if there are any AI-powered startups doing things in this area, both for lead generation and for cold emails.

Feels like it's a pretty straightforward use case, can't wait for someone to figure out how to build the whole pipeline so you can target whoever you want and prompt engineer your sales process.

posted to
on March 23, 2023
  1. 1

    Hey @anasupereasy, I suggest you take a look at Truebase.io. It's an AI-powered startup that can meet your requirements. Truebase.io offers lead generation and hyper-personalized email generation for potential business prospects, directly from LinkedIn profile pages. You can try out the free email personalization tool (https://bit.ly/440nYjO), and we also offer a 14-day free trial for the AI-based lead generation tool.

  2. 1

    I think something like this would require multiple AI tools cobbled together. Acquiring leads, tailoring your message towards them, etc.

  3. 1

    You can check out https://www.apollo.io/
    It combines a buyer database of over 250M contacts and powerful sales engagement and automation tools in one, easy to use platform. I have been using this for the past couple of months now and it is really helpful.

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