AI voice startup: Looking for a tech co-founder

Hi everyone,

Some of you might already be familar with Listnr we've been building in the the AI space since late 2020.

We've released a bunch of updates in the last few months including voice cloning, new ultra premium voices etc., but feel like we're still lacking a lot in terms of shipping speed and the rate of innovation.

We've already scaled to 1m+ and can go grow 10x or more this year reaching 7 figures ARR, I've been managing all marketing/SEO/Influencer collabs till now and I think a long term high agency CTO could really help us get to the next level.

We're running on MERN stack right now with servers deployed on Azure, more about me and Listnr here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ananay-batra/

posted to
Looking to Partner Up
on February 16, 2024
  1. 1

    Hi, I am a full stack developer who has worked on many AI based projects, and right now working on AI voice based agents which requires to work with various audio formats.

    Am also the founder of chatboat.ai.

    My tech stack is MERN, Next js and Python.

    I believe I can help you out with scaling your tech stack. My email is [email protected]

    1. 1

      Hey Shashank,

      Thanks for your response, could you add me on LinkedIn or email me at [email protected], let's talk sometiime this week :)

  2. 1

    I am a very experienced ML engineer and I think I can help you grow.
    You can contact me at [email protected].

    1. 1

      Hey Tarun,

      Just added you on Twitter, let's talk!

  3. 1

    Hello Anan, I wanted to share with you my experience of running a tech startup for two years using MERN stack, which had more than 20k users. I believe I can be of assistance in upgrading the tech stack of your startup, such as upgrading the backend to a more efficient framework like Nest js, which is great for big applications. Additionally, we can upgrade from React to next js (your SEO will be amazing with next js).

    Moreover, I have an idea to add more features to your company. For instance, we could create a product that generates subtitles for videos. This could save other companies a lot of money and time.

    I have many ideas to take Listnr to the next level. If this interests you, please feel free to reply to my comment.

    1. 1

      Hi Mohamed,

      Thanks for your response!

      We already use NextJS for our website, the results have been great 100 lighthouse scores :)

      I've also been thinking about the video subtitle generator, it can be a great sub-product and can be implemented quickly.

      Would love to talk, could you DM me on Twitter, Linkedin - let's take this further!

      1. 1

        Hey, Contacted you on linkedin. Also here is my twitter (https://twitter.com/dagermohamed)

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