AMA with Justin, the builder of Quda 🔊

Hey Indie Hackers!

I've been featuring another maker's story every Friday in my newsletter and from this week onwards, besides getting to read snippets from behind the scenes, you'll also have a chance to ask these makers any questions you might think of, directly from their CtrlAltCC page thanks to an exciting collab with Quda 🤩

And who better to start this off, than the maker of Quda himself!

Here is Justin's story:

"I’ve always been an intellectually curious person and was never satisfied with the lack of interactivity in podcasts and broadcasting mediums like YouTube. I want to contribute and participate in discussions, not just listen or watch. I was also dissatisfied with text-based products that lack the nuance of hearing someone’s voice. Voice adds so many rich layers to communication that you don’t get through text.

So on Quda I’m building features to help you share your knowledge and learnings through audio. For example, If you’re launching a new book or product, you can do an audio AMA and answer questions from your audience. I’ve also built a feature called Chatclub, which allows you to have 1:1 conversations on topics you’re interested in.

Altogether I’m exploring ways to bring people together to learn, exchange knowledge and have meaningful conversations! Thanks for reading, and if you have any feedback you can find me on Twitter @justinquda or drop me an email at [email protected]"

Go ask Justin any questions you might have ↓ 👀

Link: ctrlalt.cc/profile/justin

All AMA's are open for a limited time only, so don't postpone it for too long :)

Justin's AMA

  1. 2

    Thanks Daniela! this is a really cool initiative, be great to hear from other makers too about their journey. :)

    1. 1

      Thanks for making it possible Justin 😃 super excited to give people a way to directly interact with their favourite makers!

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