Any examples of profitable boostrapped marketplaces?

Tools like Sharetribe make it easy to build professional marketplaces. Feasibility is becoming less of an issue.

But do you know any examples of bootstrapped and profitable marketplaces?

Most of the content I see (except the content @yoroomie creates) seems aplicable mostly to funded ventures.


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    https://microacquire.com/ (@MicroAcquire by Andrew Gazdecki) I believe is bootstrapped doing very well.

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      Appreciate your support Mubs!

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    @dqmonn runs MentorCruise, which I believe is somewhat profitable.

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      Thanks for the mention! Was offline for a while! We‘re operating at 90%ish profit before hiring :)

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    Perhaps Dribbble.
    Would you count Craigslist?

    This is on my mind right now as I try to build a google sheet marketplace, in a google sheet. Not using sharetribe or any platform, as of yet. But I am seeking out examples or early tiny wins from existing marketplaces.

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      Based on what I know, I would consider Craiglist a profitable and bootstrapped marketplace.

      I'm more interestsd in smaller and more recently started marketplaces though, since Craiglist was founded in a world that has changed a lot.

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