Any non-monogamous IHers out there? I actually thought this guy's points were on target.

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    I've been poly for almost a decade now. I honestly think that it's like anything else... You get better at it with time. Most of what you get better at is effective communication. I wish more people would take the time to read articles like this... much heartbreak and drama could be avoided, and more good times had by all!

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      I completely agree. So much can be solved with timely, effective communication, but that's a skill set that has to be learned!

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    Me! You're right, those are good tips!

    My boyfriend and I decided to try polyamory recently. It's been fun but challenging. But, I'm not in Seattle. It's probably quite a bit different in Poland. 😂

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      Seattle and the Bay Area are definitely... high density areas for people with alternative sexual behaviors. 🤭 I think it's an idea that has appeal to lots of people all over, but as you point out, it depends to a huge extent on where you are.

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