Any one from London? If so post what you're currently working on!

If you're from London post what you're working on and what stage you're on!

posted to Icon for group London
on August 12, 2020
  1. 4

    Hi! I'm from London and I'm working on Bolt. I'm a UX/UI designer by day, and wantrepreneur by night 🦸🏻‍♂️. We're pre-launch at the moment, but gearing up for a launch very soon!

    Bolt is a really simple way to collect feedback on live URLs or static design files. I wasn't too impressed with existing solutions (poor UI, bad feature sets, bloated platforms, expensive etc.) so decided to build my own for myself!

    I'm tired of long and confusing email exchanges when it comes to client feedback, so hoping Bolt can make that a bit easier! Nervous to launch but I'm not putting too much pressure on one launch :).

    What are you working on? How are you coping with the weather?

    1. 1

      Oh wow I've been looking for something like this for quite a while! Excited to see the launch. I was actually planning to build something similar (we review loads of sites as part of everypage) but this seems like exactly what I would have built anyway, can't wait to try it out :)

      1. 2

        Thanks @krishan711 - I've also wanted to build it for a while. Told myself that I'd wait a few months and if I still required a suitable platform, I'd build it myself! Good luck with Everypage - looks great :).

    2. 1

      That looks super Cool, I will def be using your service. I'm working on Repatch.

      Repatch is an on demand electronic repatch delivery service that connects users with technician in their local area.

      The weather is too much 😂😂 It's too Hot!!

      1. 1

        Ah cool! Reminds me of Repairley. Unfortunately they closed down but they were super promising. Are you UK-wide?

        1. 1

          At the moment we only operate in London, as it's still our MVP. We are planning to launch across London soon.

  2. 3

    Hey 👋🏼 I'm in London (currently Archway)

    I've been running pageflows.com for a couple of years - it's a library of user flow recordings from popular products. Designers, product managers etc use it for inspiration.

    I'm also at a much earlier stage with screenjar.com - it's live with a couple of customers, but I'm at the iterating stage still trying to figure a lot of things out re ideal customers, where the value is, growth etc

    1. 2

      Pageflows looks like a great product - it's so clear to see you actually care about it!

    2. 1

      As a designer pageflow is something I def need! I tend to go use Google or pinterest to look for design inspiration. How you balancing working in two different start-ups?

      1. 2


        I just split my time between the two to be honest. It's likely not optimal, but I'm ok with that as I enjoy going back and forth between projects

  3. 2

    I used to live in Greenwich a few years ago, does that count? I'm working on Uclusion which is attempting to change development process for the better.

    1. 1

      Checked out the website looks interesting. I'm going to follow you so I'm up to date with your project 😊

  4. 2

    Moved this post to the London group 😊

  5. 1

    Currently living in North London, working on an Influencer Marketing platform.

    At the moment im working on validating the idea further and building the MVP, if anyone wants to meetup or jump on a call I'm looking to build some more connections in London as the majority of people I know are based in the US.

    I specialise in Business Development mostly its my day job so willing to lend a hand with others who are having problems with growing their products.

  6. 1

    Hi everyone 👋🏼 , I'm James. I've recently founded Tend - an online farmers market to get fresh, great-tasting, seasonal food 🥦🥩 from small, sustainable farmers 👨‍🌾 delivered to your door.

    We've launched in South West London (currently we deliver anywhere with an SW postcode) but are hoping to expand across London soon.


  7. 1

    Hi! I'm from London :) Building https://www.joinsiva.com/ to help creators to generate a sustainable income from their content. Finishing up TestFlight this week!

  8. 1

    Hi, First of all its too hot but I still managing to work through it.

    Secondly I'm working on www.gapelist.com which looks to go beyond startup revenue and traffic metrics but also looks at other aspects such as open salaries, gender pay gap and many more. Pre-launch at the moment :)

  9. 1

    I am not from London, but Cambridge, UK. Currently, working on an automation platform.

    1. 1

      Cool! Tell me about it? What's been your biggest struggle so far? Have you launched yet?

      1. 1

        We haven't launched yet, but will launch a pre-alpha version relatively soon. My biggest struggle is a mental one: I feeling fear of failure on a daily basis together with a little voice telling me that I should just get a real job. And then feeling that I am doing things too slow.

        What about yourself, what are you working on?

        1. 1

          Trust me I know exactly how you feel but push forward and DON'T give up! When I launched my start-up we only had 2 customers the first month! At that time we wanted to quite so I know all about feeling like a "failure".

  10. 1

    This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

    1. 1

      Yeah I def need to improve on my email marketing.

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