Any tennis players? Where do you play with bad weather?

Autumn is coming. The weather becomes less reliable. Less hours of Sun. I'm becoming anxious as I'm sure will play less than in Summer.

Just out of curiosity: where do you play during this times? Indoor? Wait for a good weather?

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on September 23, 2020
  1. 1

    I’ve been interested in table tennis lately. I just can’t find a good racket to play with.

  2. 1

    In case you are ever in Germany, sense unfastened to let me realize in order that we are able to hit the courts to make the design of tennis shoes for kids! Your story approximately promoting your B2B enterprise genuinely inspired me and I'd love to listen more about it as I'm currently starting to build one my own.

  3. 1

    I have weekly appointments at tennis, and I play at one of our sports gyms in the city. They have a huge tent for lousy weather plays, and in the summer and spring, we play outside. I was never a pro, but I always loved tennis. I love when I invest in myself, and this is a worth it investment. Plus, there are so many sites like https://www.tennisshoez.com that help people from this sport with different kinds of shoes and clothes. I already ordered five pairs from their suggestion, and I never doubt them.

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