Any tips on how to write content quickly?

So I'm the founder of www.moderndispatches.com. My plan is to focus on SEO by maxing content output. But this can be time-consuming. I have a journalistic background, but always interested in people's strategies to write copy quickly. Any ideas?

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    In my opinion, writing good content always takes time. However, if you are writing something you are passionate about and familiar with, it will definitely speed up the process. People recommend outsourcing content writing to freelancers. I personally tried but it is difficult to get a freelancer that writes good quality content. Some of them just churned things out and when I checked the facts I basically have to rewrite everything.

    I would recommend that you work on SEO at a steady pace, at the same time focus on other channels that can promote your services. It is safer not to put all the eggs in one basket. 😉

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      Agree. I have slowly come to the same conclusion myself after unsuccessfully outsourcing to freelancers only for them to come up short. I also find it best to give yourself a specific, tight deadline. Otherwise there's a tendency to overthink things and waste time.

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        Overthinking is so true! Sometimes I get so frustrated that the article does not look perfect. I just tell myself that I can always go back later to improve it. Push the content out as long as it is decent and helpful, does not have to be perfect.

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