Anyone have experience with wholesale coffee roasting?

I’m looking to connect with anyone who is familiar with wholesale coffee roasting.

I’m a software developer by trade, but having conversations with roasters and it seems like the mix of e-commerce solutions like Shopify, woocommerce, or Squarespace make it easy to accept orders online... but managing orders and operations is up to the roaster.

It seems like there’s a gap between the e-commerce platforms and day-to-day operations, and I’m looking for folks with industry experience who could help me understand a bit more. (If it’s a good match, we could even talk about collaborating to build a product for this :)

Feel free to respond here or shoot me an email: [email protected].


  1. 1

    Any traction here? I’m a software engineer by trading, own a small business but want to get into coffee roasting myself

      1. 1

        Oh well. As I start roasting and taking orders if I notice a gap like you described I’ll be sure to shoot you an email.

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